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  3. 安逸记账 产品手册 User Manuals...
  4. What's Update
  5. V6.0 - V6.9

V6.0 - V6.9

V6.0 - 2021.09.07

  • The quarterly repetition frequency has been increased in the plan

V6.1 - 2021.12.16

  • Add 3 widgets
    • Monthly / Total balance of income and expenditure small / medium size
    • Small size of Monthly / Total expenditure
    • Medium size of planned + monthly expenditure proportion
  • Fixed an issue where results were not filtered for custom time periods in advanced search.

V6.2 - 2021.12.16

  • Fix the problem that the widgets does not update data

V6.3 - 2022.1.17

  • Use machine learning to greatly improve the ability of automatic recognition, classification and members.
  • Optimize product details: when adding from the template, the default amount is blank.
  • Ledger information is added in the settings.

