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  4. What's Update
  5. V8.0 - V8.9

V8.0 - V8.9

V8.0 - 2022.05.24

  • Add week display in the account list.
  • The date selection in the new is optimized.
  • Celebrate V8.0 release, free gift label report.

V8.1 - 2022.06.05

  • Reconstruct the data structure and greatly optimize the software performance of large data users.
  • Too long remarks add a complete information prompt when the mouse hovers.
  • During data entry, the member is adjusted to allow direct entry of some text and automatic association of complete text.
  • In the pie chart report, all the data in the report is displayed by default. Click classification to display a certain classification data. Click classification again to restore all the data.
  • The file was successfully exported and a prompt message was added.

V8.2 - 2022.06.09

  • Add text to the button.
  • Improve search.
  • Corrected the problem that there was no data export when exporting today's accounts.
  • Correct some wrong data displayed when the user has no account data.
  • Correct some text display errors in the widget program.

V8.3 - 2022.06.12

  • Optimize search and export.

V8.4 - 2022.06.15

  • Add "no statistics" function in the right-click menu: it is allowed to calculate annual income, expenditure, and this account is not included in the statistical report. The list is still calculated.
  • Optimize the search algorithm.
  • Correct the deletion in the label list, modify the label, and the account list is not synchronized when deleting the label.

V8.5 - 2022.06.18

  • Fixed bug that if the previous date is selected in the date pop-up window and multiple entries are on the same day, the new entry will be overwritten.
  • Fixed bug that the non statistical items become statistical items after being edited and saved again.
  • Fixed bug that users who did not enter accounts in the last year could not view historical accounts.

V8.6 - 2022.06.28

  • The export function is added to the account list: the export function in the normal list is the same as that in the menu bar, and the search results are exported in the search.

V8.7 - 2022.08.02

  • Fixed the problem that users who haven't used the list for more than a year don't display content again.
  • Fix the problem that some new users use blank pages for the first time.
  • Fix the problem that old users use other new devices. When the new device cannot connect to cloudkit correctly, sometimes the default classification members will be used to cover the correct classification members.

V8.8 - 2022.10.08

  • Fix the bug that the date in the date pop-up window is not the current date.
  • The last synchronization and start date in user settings without accounts were corrected in 1970.
  • Add a note in the charge prompt to indicate that the charge is deducted after the trial.

V8.9 - 2022.11.02

  • Supports macOS 13.

